How does the PRIME Program work?
Traditionally, manufacturers have operated on a “push” basis, meaning that they make product as fast as they can without tying what they make to what customers have ordered. We often think that keeping machines running is the key to profitability; this isn’t always the case. Just because you can make good product efficiently doesn’t mean you’ll be profitable. In many cases, this thinking leads to excessive inventory, long lead times for new orders and dissatisfied customers. Lean manufacturing techniques promote a “pull” approach, which means giving customers what they want, when they want it and in the quantities they desire. This approach reduces operating costs, increases plant throughput and frees up floor space for future growth.
For small-to-medium sized manufacturers, engaging with Lean can sometimes be out of reach. The costs and the time involved to learn, plan and execute Lean can be restrictive. We get it. You’ve got a plant to run – parts to make, customers to talk to, and suppliers to manage. That’s where the PRIME program is such a valuable resource – with technical and financial support from Eversource, the pros at CTPRIMEProgram put Lean training within reach. Besides reducing costs and streamlining your operations, you’ll be taking steps to determine your energy future… and that can’t be a bad thing!